Nearly every day we face questions of conscience. WE must choose between doing what pleases God and what Appeals to our own selfish desires.
Government officials may be tempted to accept bribes and to make unethical decisions. Employees are sometimes asked to rearrange numbers or file false reports. Students often face temptations such as cheating and plagiarism.
As Christians, we face situations in our daily lives that are conscience-testers. They help us to see whether we are serious about the integrity God expects of us. We know our choices will have god or ad consequences, but the real test comes when we must decide what to do.
What is the greatest protection against making the wrong decision? It is trusting God to take care of us as we choose to do what's right, regardless of the outcome.
In Daniel 3, Shadrach and his friends made a decision not to bow down to the gold image. They dared to disobey the king because they trusted God. They said that even if the Lord did not deliver them, they would still trust him (vv. 17-18).
When we face matters of conscience, we too can do the right thing --- and leave the consequences with God. ---JDB
Let the road be rough and dreary,
And its end far out of sight;
Foot it bravely, strong or weary ---
Trust in God and do the right. ---Macleod
READ: Daniel 3:1-18
He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if no,...we do not serve your gods. ---Daniel 3:17-18