Back in 1948, four friends huddled together in Modesto, California, to pray and plan. They wanted their evangelistic ministry to be God-honoring and above reproach, so they agreed to hold one another accountable to principles of integrity that would guide their organization and their agreement the "Modesto Manifesto." You may recognize their names: Billy Graham, Grady Wilson, George Beverly Shea, and Cliff Barrow.
Only God knows the full spiritual impact of their worldwide evangelistic outreach. These men attribute the effectiveness of their ministry to the importance of remaining faithful to God and to the "manifesto" they made years ago. Their friendship and commitment to encourage one another is what made the difference in their lives and ministry.
Most of the work of God is accomplished through people who are honest with one another, committed to serve one another, and willing to receive wise counsel from one another (Prov. 27:6,7). When we build trust, we will work together smoothly and see God work in and through us.
Yes, to be men and women of integrity and productive members of our churches, we need one another. - DCE
We share a common bond of love
That comes from God our Father,
And we're dependent on the strength
We draw from one another. - Sper