Faith is The Ability To See God in The Dark


       When I was a boy, I disliked the story of Abraham going to Mount Moriah to sacrifice  his sone Isaac. Why would God tell Abraham to do such a thing? I was an only son, and I didn't want that happening to me! My parents assured me theat God was testing Abraham's faith. And he passed that test. Even with the knife in his hand, Abraham believed God (Gen. 22:810). He had learned that the Lord could be trusted.

       It is easy to make a profession of faith. But the real test comes when God asks us to lay our dearest treasures on the line. As with Abraham, the issue becomes one of obedience. A businesswoman lost a high-paying job because she wouldn't compromise her standards. And a pastor was driven from his church when he obeyed God's Word and spoke out about racism in his congregation.

       Shouldn't these people have been rewarded when they did the right thing? Faith meets its toughest test when we feel that the Lord has not rewarded our faithfulness.

       You may be faced with giving back to God something you feed He has given you. Learn to see this tests as an opportunity to demonstrate your faith in the One who always keeps His promises -- even when you don't understand. --HWR

Be still, my soul -- the Lord is on thy side!
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;
Leave to thy God to order and provide --
In every change He faithful will remain. --von Schlegel
READ: Genesis 22:1-14
God will provide for Himself the lamb. -- Genesis 22:8