The Harder You Work At What You Should Be The Less You'll Try to Hide What You Are


       Every day, thousands of people travel from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, China, and head straight for Lo Wu Commercial City, a giant shopping mall that sells imitations of luxury items. In a New York Times article, Mark Landler says, "With five floors and 500,000 square feet of retail space, Lo Wu may be the world's capital of counterfeit goods."

       People eagerly pay $58 for a a bogus Rolex watch. They buy imitation Gucci shoes, Fendi clothing, and Chanel wallets for a fraction of the prices charged for the real thing. Scuffles often break out as shoppers struggle for the most popular goods.

       What a commentary on man's tendency to value outward appearance more than reality! We pay big money to have the right label and "look," even if the merchandise is not authentic.

       This tendency can also be seen in spiritual matters. In Matthew 6, Jesus condemned the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. They did good deeds (v.2), prayed (v.5) and fasted (v.16) to create an appearance of being devoted to God. They seemed genuine, but their hearts were far from Him.

       The solution to hypocrisy is found in the prayer of Jesus taught his disciples (vv.9-13). As we pray it sincerely, we will stop faking it and get real with God. --DCM

Oh, how we fear to drop our mask!
We know so well what lies within;
Yet Christ could use our lives to bless
If we would first be cleansed from sin. --Fasick

READ: Matthew 6:1-18
Do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them --Matthew 6:1